I Segmento del 3° anno – Feldenkrais Movimento e Apprendimento

I Segmento del 3° anno


I Segmento del 3° anno

del Corso di Formazione per Insegnanti del Metodo Feldenkrais®

condotto da

Jeremy Krauss

Formatore e Co-Direttore

Anna Maria Caponecchi

Formatore e Co-Direttrice

Daniela Sinapi

Formatore candidato e Responsabile della Continuità Didattica

Roma 7 training - December 2017

Only a few places available for external Feldenkrais practitioner. If you are interested in visiting the Rome training segment held by Jeremy Krauss in December 2017 please contact us at info@feldenkraismovapp.it

Jeremy Krauss was a personal student of and directly trained by Dr. Feldenkrais. He has been studying and teaching the Feldenkrais Method for over 35 years. Jeremy has been a Feldenkrais Educational Director for 19 years and has directed 22 professional training programs in the Feldenkrais Method in Europe, USA, Japan and Israel. Jeremy also teaches Advanced Trainings as well as Master Classes. He has developed his own unique approach to working with Special Needs Children based on the Feldenkrais Method - the Jeremy Krauss Approach to Special Needs Children and child development.

Dal 1 al 11 Dicembre 2017

dalle 10.00 alle 16.30

Via Paola Falconieri, 84 – 00152 ROMA


* = campo richiesto!