History of the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program (FPTP) in Rome
In 1998, the Feldenkrais Foundation of Washington, whose members include renowned supporters such as anthropologist Margaret Mead, asked Dr. Aldo Pacifici to organize a four-year training course for teachers of the Method in Rome, to be called “Roma 1”. Although the course was small, it included participants from Italy (eight), France, England, Germany and the United States. The course concluded in January 1992, having generated great enthusiasm among all involved. The trainers teaching the program – Carl Ginburg, Jerry Karzen, Mark Reese and Gay Yaron – also came from a variety of countries, manifesting the intercultural spirit that informs these training courses. As true pioneers, the new Italian teachers enthusiastically spread the Method through conferences, workshops, and group and individual lessons in Rome and many other areas of central Italy.
In 1994, with the collaboration of Piero Idromele, teachers Daniela Sinapi, Aurelio Alza Cerrejon, and Anna Maria Caponecchi organized the “Roma 2” Training Program. A great success, the course was directed by Jerry Karzen and attended by a large group of Italian and other European students.
Anna Maria Caponecchi, Daniela Sinapi and Aurelio Alza Cerrejòn continued their own training there and participated in the teaching activities as well.
The Feldenkrais Method began to gain more and more visibility and followers in Italy, attracting people from artists to educators to health professionals.
Teaching activities continued in Rome with the “Roma 3” Training Program (1999-2001), again directed by Jerry Karzen. Daniela Sinapi and Anna Maria Caponecchi became Assistant Trainers at this point and intensified both their teaching in the courses and their support for students between segments. Aurelio Alza Cerrejòn, the organizer, followed students during the lessons. .
At the end of the four years, the new “Roma 4” training program began (2003-2007), followed directly by “Roma 5” (2007-2011) and “Roma 6” (2011-2015), all conducted by Jeremy Kraus as educational director. In the last program, Anna Maria Caponecchi became a Teacher Trainer and Daniela Sinapi, Trainer Candidate.
With ever greater activity and accreditation, the professional training program confirmed its teaching team, consolidated by years of collaboration. Jeremy Krauss and Anna Maria Caponecchi were the Educational Directors for “Roma 7” (2015-2019); Daniela Sinapi, Trainer Candidate, was responsible for pedagogical continuity and Aurelio Alza Cerrejòn for the organizational aspects.
“Roma 8” (2019-2022) will begin in February 2019, with the participation of the entire team and Anna Maria Caponecchi as Educational Director.
Many teachers from the various training cycles in Rome visited the courses and often collaborated in both the organization and teaching, enhancing their own training in the process.
An impressive number of students have participated in the almost thirty-year history of Feldenkrais training in Rome. Meanwhile, with their skills and distinct experience, the many Trainers and Assistant Trainers from around the world have been able to facilitate learning and inspire participants.
The Training Program creates an environment in which everyone keeps learning: students become teachers, some teachers become Assistant Trainers, and eventually, after much practice, Assistants become Trainers. In the words of Moshè Feldenkrais, “These courses are made to help you to turn the impossible into the feasible, the difficult into the easy: beautiful to see and lovely to do.”
We sincerely thank the Teacher Trainers and Assistant Trainers who have participated and continue to participate with such dedication in this adventure and who, in diverse moments of their careers and in diverse roles, have enriched and continue to enrich all of us.
First and foremost, we thank Moshè Feldenkrais.
Ulrike Apel, Livia Calice, Richard Corbeil, Mara Della Pergola, Angel Di Benedetto, Cinzia Faccin, Diane Fountain, Mara Fusero, Cornelia Georgus, Carl Ginsburg, Irene Habib, Jeff Haller, Jerry Karzen, Jeremy Krauss, Anat Krivine, Bruria Milo, Myriam Pfeffer, Sabine Pfeffer, Ted Presland, Mark Reese, Stephen Rosenholz, Edna Rossenas, Luci S. Ginsburg, Ellen Solloway, Beatriz Walterspiel, Lea Wolgensinger, Gaby Yaron, Arlyn Zones.
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